Towering Dmitriy Muserskiy hit thundering serves for Russia
Wroclaw, Poland, September 10, 2014 – The high level of concentration helped Russia to score a comfortable straight-set victory and captain Makarov said the Olympic champions are prepared to meet Cuba on Thursday.
Russia head coach, Andrey Voronkov: “We were really focused before this match. At the meeting with my team I told them that we have to be concentrated for the whole match. We cannot let ourselves to relax because there are difficult meetings in front of us.”
Russia captain, Sergey Makarov: “We are very happy that we won this match especially that we did it in straight sets. Now we are waiting for tomorrow’s meeting with Cuba.”
Finland head coach, Tuomas Sammelvuo: “I want to congratulate Russian team. There is not much to say because we lost this match badly. The game becomes really difficult when you cannot finish your moves. The Russians were shocking us with their service. Our reception was not good but it was not our only problem as we did not attack the opponents.”
Finland captain, Antti Siltala: “Congratulations to Russia. They played great today and really surprised us. It was not a good match for us. We made a lot of reception mistakes while the Russians were fantastic in block. It is really hard to play against such a strong team.”